Dad In Training


12/08/2015 11:31

Wordless Wednesday

Say Cheese Toddler


11/08/2015 10:34

Trampolining for Kids

In a world that's driven by technology and obsessed over screen time, finding more traditional ways for our children to play, grow and develop is arguably more important than it ever has been. Finding the balance can be difficult, but if we don't make the effort on behalf of our children then noone else will. We hear every week in the news that obesity figures are on the rise and it's not difficult to point the finger at children being less active than they once were as being one of the causes. The British climate might not make the most appealing of places to get outdoors or be active in but that kind of play is not only the most important, but it's probably the most fun too! We love getting outdoors and walking, going to parks, kicking a ball and having fun. 


One thing we've discovered recently though is trampolining. Trampolining is fantastic for the whole family and can be enjoyed both indoors and out. There's something about it that flicks that switch inside of us that makes us feel a little goofy and fun. It's not just about fun either... it's a really effective form of exercise! I don't remember it being difficult as a child, but a couple of minutes jumping up and down now really gets my heart pumping. If it's doing me good, then it must be doing my children good. They love to bounce, almost as much as they love to giggle at seeing their parents springing high into the air like Tigger and try to imitate us. 

Toddler Trampolining

What I didn't expect from trampolining was the way that it triggered my toddlers over active imagination and vary his playtime. After several visits to farms lately, Clayton related those experiences as sat on the trampoline and hopped and bounced like the imaginary bunny rabbit he could apparently see next to him. Once he's on the mat, he doesn't want to leave. It makes for perfect fun even for a 2 year old and I don't see it getting any less fun as he grows older... proven by how much I enjoy myself even now. The fun, games and fitness capabilities are practically endless. If you're unsure, then Jumpster Trampolines are a fantastic resource site to find games to play on a trampoline. In fact, Jumpster will tell you just about everything you need to know about trampolining... from safety to buying guides. If you don't have the space or budget to buy your own trampoline, then there are centres all over the country that offer unlimited trampolining action for all ages. Don't sit indoors... get bouncing!


06/08/2015 10:22


Dad dancing is one of the world’s unexplainable, natural phenomenon’s. Before becoming dads, all men have the ability to shake their groove thing and then the second that little bundle of joy arrives, dad grows 2 left feet and develops an awkward shuffle. 


Ok, ok. That isn’t exactly fact, but there is a definite trend in the way many dads dance. 


Dads are important and have been overlooked for many years when it comes to parenting. But in today’s world, we’re witnessing a cultural shift where dads are becoming more and more involved in the lives of their children. And it’s a fantastic shift to be a part of. 

To continue to raise the profile of dads all around the world, The Dad Network is tapping in to dad’s secret dance weapon and launching #DoTheDadDance charity campaign in aid of UNICEF. The world’s first online dance off! 


Do The Dad Dance


Not only are UNICEF a fabulous charity, who help millions of children every year, but also it’s wonderful to see dads uniting together to stand up and be counted. 


The campaign is simple: 


1. Dance with or without the children. 

2. Film yourself 

3. Upload it to social media using the hashtag #dothedaddance 

4. Nominate 2 or 3 of your dad friends to do the same 

5. Donate £2 to UNICEF using the unique text code or by visiting: 


We need as many dads as possible to take part and join in. We need as many dads as possible to shout out loud about how important dads are in the lives of their children and we need as many dads as possible to help raise money for a valuable cause. 


For more information, visit:



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