Dad In Training


08/03/2013 10:24

Bucket List Perspective

It’s funny how your perspective on life changes the closer you get to the birth of your first child. The thought of becoming a parent is at times very scary, but the thing I’m finding the most strange is how easy my outlook is changing. I have a bucket list – a hard list of things I wish to do and achieve before I ‘kick the bucket’. A lot of it is travel related. It would be easy to sit up all night dwelling on all the things I’m going to miss out on in the coming years; focusing on the things that will be missing from my life after the birth of our child. I’m pretty sure that no one would blame me for doing so either. I was sat thinking this week though and it really hit home – focus on the new things that you will have in your life. There’s going to be a very special little person to share every experience with, and I don’t doubt that life will in fact be immeasurably better and more rewarding than it ever has been.




Not all of my bucket list is travel and experience related. In fact ‘Become a parent’ is one of the items present, and I’m of course on way to achieving that. The number of items that aren’t on the list, but have suddenly appeared in my head (and seem more of a priority than those currently there) is growing every day. My new goal in life is to be a great role model to my child. Not a good role model, but a great one. My worst fear is him growing up and having to look elsewhere for his role model or for his inspiration.


How can I do that? It seems like huge such huge pressure, but in fact it’s something that isn’t (currently) phasing me at all. I intend to lead by example. Teach my child things by physically doing them myself... whether it be reading, kicking a football, pronouncing words correctly or being a good man. I hope to respond, and not react. Talking and not shouting. I hope to be consistent, love and show respect. I intend to be healthy, join in activities, listen, resolve conflicts and never, ever let him see his parents argue. I will aim to inspire and encourage. I can’t wait to embrace fatherhood!


On a side note-

One of the hardest things in a young male’s life before children come along and take the mantle is living with a pregnant woman. Trust me. I think I have been relatively lucky compared to a lot of the stories I hear, and my wife is doing a fantastic job with minimal hormonal displays or complaining. However, anything you can do to keep your pregnant partner happy is a good thing and only leads to a happier life for yourself too. Last night Diana attended a pregnancy yoga class for the first time, hosted by the National Childbirth Trust (NCT). She raved about it, made new friends and came home in a happy mood, smiling and enthusiastic. If your partner hasn’t tried one of these classes yet and even if she’s never practiced yoga in any form before – encourage her to. A happy pregnant lady leads to a content male partner.


04/03/2013 17:50

When you mix London with Pregnancy...

Me and my wife had a great afternoon out in London a few days ago courtesy of my fantastic Grandparents. We cashed in a gift from them and pretended to be all civilised by taking afternoon tea in the famous London store that is Harrods. Whilst the trip was enjoyable and the afternoon tea highly recommended, it would be fair to say that London is not pregnancy friendly. Everyone is in their own high speed world, where they take no notice of their surroundings and move at pace in their only gear. The London Underground alone is a hazard all by itself when you're aware of the precious cargo that your wife is carrying. Crowds, escalators, stairs with people rushing by you and shoving for space. A lack of seats and a disappointing lack of people prepared to offer theirs to those more in need. Some people will happily sit in a seat specifically designated for pregnant women or the elderly and not even glance up from their technological device to notice that they're in the wrong.

                         (The afternoon tea at Harrods really is very good)


I've found it instinctive to feel very protective of your partner and her precious bump throughout her pregnant term. I think it's only natural. That protective instinct in me is only growing stronger at the same rate that her belly is expanding. I hope that it's just as natural, and that I'm not being unreasonable to also keep a watchful eye on her actions. I find myself inwardly (very important to do so inwardly!) questioning if she should do certain things that may harm herself or the baby. Not that my wife is not careful, but as I said, I'm very much aware of just how precious her cargo is. As the partner to a pregnant woman, it is hard to find the right balance. I want to offer extra care and attention, but I don't want to come across as patronising; I do after all trust her judgement and think she is doing a fantastic job. But this is a growing pack, and I'm the pack leader. It is my job to be wary of danger...surely?

London is a busy city, and a worrying place to be with a pregnant wife. Particularly as in every day life alone, I have found protective behaviour rising to the surface of my demeanour. I've found myself eyeing other drivers, being more wary of groups of youths gathered in the supermarket car park, and even been wary of our family dog coming too close at times. On a crowded London Underground network during our afternoon jaunt, I felt like Kevin Costner in the Bodyguard. Everyone was a suspect.

Evolution is a proven theory. Nature takes over and instinct kicks in... not just for the nurturing mother, but for the paternal figure too. Sigmund Freud once said 'I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection'. I just hope that this isn't a sign of things to come. I'm not sure I want to be that overly protective father in years to come.



28/02/2013 00:19

A Newbie’s Guide to pregnancy and your partner

Now, I’m no expert and in fact I am learning as I go along. Day by day. Hour by hour. I’m not a doctor, a midwife or a student who spent too long conducting pointless surveys to get my information. But I definitely know more about pregnancy, babies and parenting today than I did this time last year. Who am I to withhold my new found knowledge from the world and other unsuspecting Dads to be? This is my brief guide to your pregnant significant other;


  1. She has to pee. Right now. This very second. Trust me...
  2. Morning sickness is just a name, and the word morning appears by coincidence only. It can happen at any time of day or night. Maybe both. Its pretty much uncontrollable and you should, if nothing else, feel sorry for her.
  3. The first 3 months are arguably the hardest. Just because the visible signs aren’t there yet, your partner is suffering on every level.
  4. She can go from normal to just about any other emotion in 0.01 seconds. And back again almost just as quick.
  5. She has to pee again. No really...
  6. She might not admit it, but she judges you more harshly now. In fact she’s probably fearing for your unborn babies life just about every time you stub your toe, or lose your car keys.
  7. She doesn’t like her bump being public property. It’s your job to minimise this when you’re out together.
  8. She’ll love you more than ever if you act right. Make an effort and show interest. Take responsibility! Reap the rewards...
  9. She burps, farts and snores worse than your Grandfather! She can’t help it... learn to laugh with her, and not at her. In fact, go one stage further and use it as your own excuse to join in with some windy fun! Make it a competition. Unless you’re not too good at losing.
  10. She’s more scared than you are. Don’t be selfish... don’t burden her further.
  11. I bet she needs to pee. Again!





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