Dad In Training

Article archive

16/01/2015 07:43

Do You Ever? - Poetry

My heart is pounding my chest so hard that I feel like it may rip open and let the anxiety spill from its hole. I feel like the cloud is no longer hovering, but is actually swallowing me whole. You can go from good days to bad or you can go bad days to worse. You know that it’s real when you check...


14/01/2015 19:52

Wordless Wednesday


08/01/2015 00:14

Let the games begin

Having a new baby around over the last 6 months has made things more difficult in terms of parenting our eldest, who is still under 2 years old himself. It's been a challenge juggling time and attention levels to make sure that our developing toddler still feels loved, without neglecting the...


07/01/2015 01:23

Wordless Wednesday - Christmas Day Lookback Edition


06/01/2015 00:20

Top Ten Posts of 2014

2015 is well underway now as we unbelievably approach the end of its first week and it just shows that time is flying by like it seems to every year. That's one of the main reasons I am thankful for my blog - a place to store memories and look back on them in the future. That's what this post is...


04/01/2015 02:17

We all need a little 'me' time.

So often I hear and even use the cliche that time disappears too fast as a parent. It often feels like that but when I stop and think about it, becoming a parent actually seems to have stretched time. I think back and less than 2 years ago I had no children. Now I have 2. Less than 2 years ago...


02/01/2015 22:35

New Years Resolutions 2015

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that 2015 is a blessed one for everyone that this blog reaches. It's funny how a new year affects people, and really gets you believing it's the perfect time to make a fresh start. The same way as we always believe that it's best to start dieting on a Monday. If we...


31/12/2014 07:24

Wordless Wednesday


29/12/2014 21:00

Our Post Christmas Incident

From the minute we erected our Christmas tree at the start of the month and filled the house with lights and tinsel we feared the possibilities with a toddler crashing his way from room to room with an enthusiasm that never wanes. You couldn't blame us. Clayton is a walking tornado of destruction...


29/12/2014 11:25

Gro Hush Baby Calmer Review

Any parent that tells you that their child is an angel and is never any trouble is lying. Any parent that tells you that they wouldn't jump at the chance to be given a tool that will help soothe their crying child needs their head looking at. Naturally I of course jumped at the chance. I...
