Dad In Training

Article archive

11/09/2014 22:24

The Simple Things

Big surprises, extravagant outings and one off experiences are great! Travelling, pushing the boat out and and living lavishly can be fantastic fun. But the little things; the small, simple, ordinary everyday events are the ones that keep our hearts smiling and yet so often we take them for...


08/09/2014 22:47

A Dad & his children head to the zoo

What better way to boost your confidence in the early stages after adding a second child to the equation than a day out in charge of both of them by yourself? Well either that or I'd lost my marbles, but thats the approach I decided to take on my day off from work last week. I dropped my frazzled...


05/09/2014 21:32

Wordless Friday


29/08/2014 13:30

Wordless Friday


28/08/2014 14:51

Fitness Update - Pre Baby Weight Achieved!

I hopped on the scales this morning and was absolutely delighted with what I saw! 167.2lbs. Our first child, Clayton, was born on 3rd May 2013 and on that day I weighed a healthy 168lbs. The following year saw me struggle to adapt to the demands of parenting on top of my full time job. I spent...


27/08/2014 14:28

The benefits of reading time with Dad

As a working Dad it's not as easy to bond with your child as it is for the Mother, simply because you're spending less time with them. It's important to recognise that it's going to be a little harder to bond with your child though, and then work a little bit harder at it rather than ignore it and...


22/08/2014 16:14

Wordless Friday


17/08/2014 10:16

Baby Alice's First Photoshoot

Children grow up so fast! One minute they're a tiny bundle of love dependant on you for everything and then before you know it they're coming of age. When they do come of age, you're going to need some photographs to embarrass them with. Also, there's likely to be many points during the journey...


15/08/2014 08:39

Wordless Friday


14/08/2014 09:56

Do new Dads get overlooked?

Change is difficult for most people. Only a small percentage of people find adapting to big changes easy. Starting (or expanding) a family is one of the biggest changes you will ever go through. It's such a shock to the system! Your outlook on life changes, priorities change; relationship dynamics,...
