Dad In Training

My Secret Battle With Depression

02/07/2015 20:19

I was recently told that it takes so much more energy pretending to be ok than it does to admit that you have a problem and agree to fight it. It take so much more energy to keep a secret than it does to just be open, honest and not care what the world thinks of you. Hearing that made sense to me, and so if anyone else struggling stumbles across this post, then know that I'm about to be open and honest just so you can see it can be done. Let go and take back your life. You deserve it. Here goes...


I'm depressed. I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety disorder almost a year ago (though it's almost definitely been around a lot longer) and I wear a mask to cover it up. I live in pain and suffer in silence pretending to be ok. It's hard, hard work! It's hard telling people you're ok when you're not. It's hard to smile and play with your children when you hit a bump in the road and find yourself having the lowest of days. It's hard pulling yourself out of bed when you feel as though you didn't deserve to wake up. It's hard when you find yourself wishing death on yourself and then you look around at what you'd leave behind and get swallowed whole by a wave of guilt. But most of all, it's hard lying about it. I lie about it because of the awful stigma attached to mental illness and the various treatments for them. Being ill makes me feel like a failure. I lie about it because it's impossible to explain - I have no idea why I'm depressed. I don't know what my triggers are, and I'm not unhappy with my life. That probably makes very little sense to most of you, but most of you have no idea about mental illness. It's science. It's no different to a physical illness. My brain is effectively missing the connectors between itself and the nerves and in turn that blocks the majority of happy signals and chemicals from reaching where they're aimed at. That means I don't see, hear or feel most good things the same way that you do. Why that is, I don't know and because I can't explain it, I just pretend that it isn't happening to me. I just write occassional poems to vent small segments of my pent up emotion like this, this or this from time to time.


Depression QuoteDepression Quote


I lie about it because even the friends, family or colleagues I have dropped hints to have made me feel 10 times worse without even knowing they're doing it. 

"But you have nothing to be depressed about. You have it all!"

"Pull yourself together, you'll be ok"

"Why? Whats the matter?"

"You don't need to see a therapist... I'm sure they've got that wrong!"

"Whatever you do, don't go on any tablets. That's the last thing you want"

In fact... the LAST thing I want, is to live out the rest of my life the way I am doing now and feeling the way I'm feeling. The LAST thing I want, is to be half the man, half the husband, half the friend and half the father I could be because I'm so close to exploding every single day. Mental illnesses are real and they should be treated with the respect they deserve, but we're so uneducated that the majority of us can't even begin to relate. If any of my family members fell and broke their leg and wanted to refuse a cast to have it fixed, then I'd be pleading with them to see sense. So why then would anyone go out of their way to tell me not to accept the medication that is being recommended to help fight the illness that's burdening me in every aspect of my life?

Depression Quote


Depression. Depression is a bastard! Depression clouds the sun to make sure you live your life in a permanent state of darkness. Depression has me hating myself so much that I hate anyone that thinks any different about me. I actively feel hatred and anger towards people that love me. Depression has me purposefully avoid mirrors because of how ugly I look and how fat that I am. But that same depression has me refusing to eat healthy or exercise because it makes me not actually want to improve or get better. It has me believing that I don't deserve to get better. Depression is why I can sit and not move; feeling weighted down by self hate, unable to see the good in anything in front of me. Depression is why I rarely see my friends, or my family. Noone ever asks me if I'm ok, and although that bothers me, I really don't want them to either. I don't want people to care, because depression has me believing that I don't deserve to be cared about. I don't want to be asked. It only makes me lie again and that leads to guilt, to anger and to hating myself even more. The circles are as vicious as you could ever imagine.  Depression is what lives under the mask that I wear for you every day.


Depression Quote


But why lie? Is lying about it better than fighting it? When it comes to lying about it, justifying and mastering coping mechanisms; I've realised that they're all for the benefit of other people. All of those things are hard to do and for the wrong reasons. 3 weeks ago I signed an imaginary contract with my therapist because I couldn't convince him with any of my words that I wouldn't kill myself before our next appointment. I came home, I told my wife and we both cried. That was harder than lying, coping of justifying but at least it was for the right reasons! It served a purpose. I'd been counselling for months, but that for me was the first step on the ladder to getting better. That was me openly admitting that I had a problem and I knew it had to be addressed. 


6 months ago I published right here in my blog a list of new years resolutions and on that list, I dropped a subtle hint as to what might be going on. I told myself and anyone who was prepared to read that day that I would look to get help, and that I may even write about it. Well here I am. I'm writing about it, I've seeked help and I could not care any less about the stigma attached or the opinion of others. I'm a Husband and a Father, but more importantly I'm a human being. A human being with one shot at life, and I need to make sure I get better, whether I think I deserve to or not (that's a direct quote from my counsellor and not my own words). 




The Dad Network

Topic: My Secret Battle With Depression

Date: 05/07/2015

By: Ryan Costello

Subject: Re: Go You

Thank you Rachel. I hope that the person you live with has come through or is coming through their darker times.


Date: 05/07/2015

By: Erica Price

Subject: Comment

I think you're right it is harder to keep a secret than tell the truth, but that doesn't mean that talking about things is easy. Well done for speaking out.


Date: 05/07/2015

By: Ryan Costello

Subject: Re: Comment

Thank you Erica. I have felt 'some' relief since speaking out so am glad that I have.


Date: 05/07/2015

By: Sarah Bailey

Subject: Comment

Fantastic post - I was diagnosed with mental health issues in my teens, I had no choice but to get help as I was under my parents roof (and when things got really bad I was admitted to hospital) but would I have done the same if I had been older?

I think I would have just carried on as I often do now when things get harder, pretending its not happening.


Date: 05/07/2015

By: Ryan Costello

Subject: Re: Comment

It's not necessarily a case of taking the easy route either is it? Sometimes your brain doesn't allow you to be logical when it's being controlled the wrong way.


Date: 04/07/2015

By: Liska

Subject: Internalising

I so get you, on every level of this post. I was depressed for years and years. When I started to internalise it, to take it away from other people, I started to feel tired, like all the time, which developed into chronic fatigue. Letting things out is always the best way. Our bodies and cells can't cope with all this stuff wrapped up inside. This is my second attempt at commenting. Liska @NewMumOnline x


Date: 05/07/2015

By: Ryan Costello

Subject: Re: Internalising

Thanks Liska. Funnily enough, it was the physical symptoms that first set me on my way to recognising what was happening.


Date: 04/07/2015

By: Liska

Subject: I understand

I used to be outwardly depressed and due to how it made others feel, I directed it all inwards. I have had terrible debilitating fatigue everyday since. Internalising things is awful. I am so glad you are getting it out there now. The more of us who do, the less stigma there will be. Good luck xx


Date: 04/07/2015

By: Michelle

Subject: The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Ryan, I can relate to this on so many levels, you just don't know... not just for myself, but also, for my loved ones who have battled with depression. Keeping mine secret was hard work, and letting some of it out to friends, family and on my blog has been somewhat of a release, and since then, I've found the cloud has started to lift.

I hope you find that the cloud lifts more for you too. xxx


Date: 04/07/2015

By: Ryan Costello

Subject: Re: The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Thank you Michelle. I hope so too and I'm glad that it did for you.
