Dad In Training

My baby hates me

02/10/2014 19:51

My baby hates me and I hate myself for it! Quite often she won't feed with me and more often than not she won't let me comfort her when upset. In fact, when I do try to comfort her, she only gets more and more hysterical. It's a sickening feeling for a Father to hold his baby girl close and hear her wails get louder as her body stiffens and twists! An active parent can usually tell the difference between cries and when I hold our daughter it's never an 'I'm still hungry' cry... it's an 'everything pains me, kicking legs, I might lose my voice box soon' cry. It's awful. Then my wife will take over and she will instantly settle into a smily, cooing baby again. Instantly. Seeing my baby girl smile at her Mother should melt my heart, but it doesn't. I'm jealous, I'm frustrated and I'm at my wits end. I'm at a stage where I dread being left to parent alone and I hate myself for both feeling like that and being unable to fix the problem.


I'm not the sort of person that sees parenting as a chore or as something to avoid. I've embraced Fatherhood. Having children is the biggest privelege you could hope for and I'm hugely grateful for my family. I'm the sort of person that wants to turn this situation around and learn how to fix this relationship immediately but it's so upsetting that I don't look forward to getting home and picking my baby girl up. Sometimes, I'm scared of interracting with her and triggering her screams from an otherwise happy state. Sometimes, I prefer to just watch from a distance and that just doesn't sit well with me. My wife seems to think that babies can feel your mood. If that's the case then I'm sure little Alice is feeling my frustration and that can't be helping matters, but how can I dumb down my frustration without actually fixing the problem? And how do I fix the problem without being frustrated? It's a vicious circle that's pulling me further down when I have already had enough negativity plaguing me lately. I hate the fact our baby hates me, and I hate myself for her hating me; I hate myself for dreading being around her sometimes and for that I worry about the extra strain that puts on my wife and so I hate myself for by that point being a bad husband too. Thing's aren't great right now.


I love my daughter. I love both of my children. I love my wife and our little family means everything to me. The thought of them not loving me back is a feeling I can't even begin to describe. The fact that I know I'm making matters worse by letting the situation stress me out (often in their presence) so much makes me feel twice as bad. I want to be the best parent that I can be, yet I feel like I'm drowning and losing territory in this battle every single day.


I'm just ranting. I pray that it's just a phase. The days seem dark and I look forward to the sun shining back on them. I feel like I'm missing so much in the dark.



Topic: My baby hates me

Date: 03/10/2014

By: Ness

Subject: My baby hates me

What you have to realise that in nature fathers have nothing to do with feeding their children. A baby is naturally attuned to receiving milk from a mother. There are plenty of other ways to bond with your daughter like bath time, reading, playing on the floor and going out for walks and pointing out things.


Date: 02/10/2014

By: paula

Subject: Hang in there!

There are no words to help you with your frustration. So all i can offer is that we all have such feelings from time to time when 'we don't get' or 'cant settle our little ones'. It is heart wrenching and frustrating, its angering, its depressing even more demoralising when you see another person accepted by your little one(especially when that is all you want- to be accepted). The thing is you love alice unconditionally - but she does not yet understand that term. Her needs are more basic more intuative - she does not do complex emotions yet. She does love you though does not show it in the way you would like her to yet. and thats the big word - YET! so be patient. Your daughter is happy, healthy and progressing well - you are both responsible for that! You take an interest even when she is pushing you away and you have not given up.You are still trying when others may have given up. That makes you a great daddy and one that Alice will learn to love and cherish. Right now she prefers mum. Thats crap! but things will change! You will I am sure have a daddy's girl in no time and it might be Diana feeling she is sidelined and 'out of favour'. So imagine what you would say to her if she felt the way you do right now. You would just say Hang in there! much love xx
